Adventure tours

Adventure tours of Nepal


Major Highlights of the Nepal Adventure Trip

  • Gain proficiency with Nepal’s way of life, history, and craftsmanship on a touring visit in Kathmandu.
  • Start the excursion with a beautiful drive to Pokhara and witness the fields of Nepal.
  • Experience the excitement of wilderness boating in the Trishuli Stream.
  • Walk around the roads of Pokhara and come by the renowned Fewa Lake.
  • Draw yourself to nature with a stroll through the rhododendron timberland.
  • Cross the neighborhood towns and find out about their lifestyles.
  • Ghorepani offers a brief look at Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Nilgiri, and Hiunchuli, and the sky’s the limit from there.
  • Interface with local people and get insights into their way of life and customs.
  • Get a wonderful dawn from the perspective of Poon Slope. You’ll get to observe the sweeping sights of the brilliant mountains.
  • Partake in the kayak ride along the Rapti Waterway in Chitwan.
  • Take a jeep safari around Chitwan Public Park and witness astounding untamed life.

Why is the Nepal Adventure Tour different from other tours?

Nepal Adventure Tour is one of a kind to others in view of its regular magnificence, social experience, and special bold exercises. Each second is energizing, from boating in Trishuli to traveling in the Annapurna area to a wilderness safari in Chitwan.

Similarly, Nepal’s scene gives a scope of brave open doors. However, what genuinely separates this visit is its emphasis on the economy of the travel industry and capable travel rehearsals. It endeavors to help the work and diminish the natural effect by joining with the local neighborhood.

Thus, if you need to encounter a completely exhilarating and quiet excursion, a Nepal Experience Visit is the best decision.

The Annapurna base journey is perhaps the most well-known journey on the planet. In a real sense, it carries you up close and personal with an eight-thousander – for a moderate-troublesome trip, this is staggering! The interesting Annapurna massif incorporates the world’s 10th most elevated top.

Annapurna I (8,091 m) holds a practically deadly fascination for mountain dwellers. It has the highest casualty proportion among the eight- thousand. This imposing atmosphere separated, and the ABC journey holds a few fortunes for the mountain darling.

 Annapurna base camp

Features of the Annapurna Journey in Nepal

Vacationer center Pokhara.

Dawn perspectives on Annapurna ranges – including Dhaulagiri I (8,167 m/26,795 ft),, Annapurna I (8,091 m/26,545 ft), and Nilgiri (7,061 m/23,166 ft) from the Poon Slope perspective.

Annapurna base (4,130 m)

Rich verdure.

Underground aquifers at Jhinu Danda.

 Annapurna base Journey: Essential Realities

 Distance: Approximately 60 km, depending on where you start and what course you take.

 Time: 5-7 days

 Trouble: Moderate-troublesome. A few exceptionally steep regions and high elevation yet great ways more than halfway.

 The best opportunity to do the Annapurna base journey

 There are two primary seasons for journeying in Nepal. The first is in late October or November, when the weather conditions are dry and warm.

 The second is the beginning of spring, from April to May, when it very well may be wetter yet blossoms are sprouting. We did the Annapurna base camp  in mid-April and had some midday downpours at times, yet additionally totally bright days.

Permits for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek

To travel in many parts of Nepal, you will require a TIMs card and grant. These are accessible at the places of interest in Kathmandu or Pokhara. The Pokhara one is a short stroll from the traveler bus stop, so it functions admirably to go straight there on your appearance to Pokhara.

 The Annapurna Circuit  is a significant distance-traveling course that circles the Annapurna Mountains. Contingent upon what course you pick, it can take somewhere in the range of 12–22 days and range from 160 km to 230 km. As

this guide to the Annapurna Circuit shows, there are a few potential diversions, for example, an excursion to Tilicho Lake or a climb of Poon Slope.

Highlights of the Trek

  • Get a long way from the clamoring city life into tranquil and flawless nature.
  • Witness dazzling perspectives on Annapurna, Lamjung Kailash, Dhaulagiri, and Nilgiri from there, the sky’s the limit.
  • Remain in the teahouses of little towns.
  • Cross Thorong La Pass (5,416 m).
  • Investigate the lovely towns of Braga, Manang, Kagbeni, Jomsom, and Marpha.
  • Look at the stunning Annapurna range from Poon Slope.
  • Normal Natural Aquifer at Tatopani
  • I appreciate touring in Pokhara.
  • Paragliding in Pokhara

Mardi Himal Trek Overview

tours of Nepal

  • Distance: 40 km/25 mi
  • Time: 4 days
  • Grants: TIMS card and Annapurna Safe-haven license are required.
  • Guide: – should be possible freely, with an aide/doorman, or in a gathering.
  • Primary beginning stages: Kande
  • Primary completing focuses: Siding
  • Most noteworthy point: Mardi Himal base, 4500 m
  • Absolute climb: 3274 m
  • Absolute plummet: 3731 m
  • Convenience – guesthouses, setting up camp (at lower elevations)
  • Food: Nepali, Indian, Western, and Chinese

Trekking permits

For any journey inside the Annapurna Safe-haven region, you really want the Annapurna Preservation Region Grant (ACAP) and the TIMS card. You can get both at the Travel Industry Data Center in Pokhara or in Kathmandu. The two workplaces are open Monday through Friday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (shut on Saturdays). We lean toward doing desk work and remaining in Pokhara in light of the fact that it’s a more pleasant spot than Kathmandu.

 Convenience and Food During the Trip

Try not to anticipate extravagant convenience during the journey. Just a small bunch of tea houses are available on the path. Thus, travelers need to remain for the time being the Austere way.

Notwithstanding, fundamental offices are there for the adventurers. The food menu is straightforward. You can get western and nearby essential food items. Drinking water is an issue on the path. In this manner, you should rely on these little teahouses for the water.

The Best Season for the Mardi Himal Excursion

 The Best Season for the Mardi Himal trek for traveling in Nepal are spring and pre-winter. Subsequently, plan your excursion to Mardi for the long stretches of spring and pre-winter. Rainstorm season is the most obviously terrible opportunity to travel.

Leeches, sloppy paths, and an overcast air make it discouraging for travelers. In the colder months of the year, the path is elusive and risky. Be that as it may, the snow on the slopes and trail makes it gutsy as well as pleasant.

Our idea for the heavenly excursion is either in the spring or fall season.

 What Is the Annapurna Circuit?

Quick realities:

Trouble: Moderate

Length: 230 km (145 miles).

Span: 15-20 days

Beginning rise: 760 meters (2,493 feet)

Top rise: 5,416 meters (17,769 feet)

 What licenses do I really want for the Annapurna Circuit?

 To the extent that licenses go, there are two you really want to get. The first is TIMS (Adventurers’ Data The Board Framework), which is about $20. To apply for a TIMS card, you really want to bring your visa and two photos. You can go anywhere in Kathmandu for several hundred rupees.

 Licenses: You will require a TIMS card and a Park Entry Grant, both can be bought while entering the recreation area.

Guide: An aide isn’t needed on this trip. Notwithstanding, the aide deals with the entirety of the coordinated operations, distances, headings, and tea houses for your gathering. I utilized to explore from tea house to tea house and found the ways simple to follow. On the off chance that it’s your most memorable time traveling in Nepal, I would recommend having an aide.

The best opportunity to visit Annapurna Circuit Journey

Picking the perfect time of year to travel to Annapurna or climb the Annapurna Circuit trek is vital. The best times to climb the Annapurna Circuit are October-November or April-May. During these seasons, everything will in general be dry, the skies will be clear, and it will not be as unimaginably cool as possible.


Do I really want a visa to visit Nepal?

Indeed. The Nepal visa is brought upon appearance in Kathmandu or at the Nepal line. The expense is $25 for a 15-day various section visa and is payable in USD.

How might I get my visa for a Nepal visit?

For most ethnicities, you can get your visa on appearance in Kathmandu. It requires close to 45 minutes and is the most advantageous method for getting your visa. You can likewise apply for a visa ahead of time from a neighborhood Nepali department in your nation in the event that you might want to have everything organized ahead of time.

Do I have to gain proficiency with the Nepalese language for a Nepal visit?

Nepali is the official language. It has been established in Sanskrit and is written in the Devanagari script. English is grasped by the vast majority of people in urban communities. In the towns, different ethnic groups communicate in their own dialects. So you want not to learn Nepali for a Nepal visit.

You Can contact Escape Himalaya by using our email address [email protected] We are available at any time. Escape Himalaya  will deliver you price-worthy services, professional guides, trained staff, and assistance on every trip.

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